Management Commands#


This command creates initial data for the app using factories. You can run it like:

$ ./ create_initial_data

If you want to remove all existing data in the database before creating new one, specify --flush option:

$ ./ create_initial_data --flush

If you want to specify any label to create any app specific data, specify --app-label option:

$ ./ create_initial_data --app-label jobs

Command-line options#


Remove existing data in the database before creating new data.

--app-label <app_label>#

Create initial data with the app_label provided.


This command generates pages.Page objects from the output of the existing PEP repository generation process. You run it like:

$ ./ generate_pep_pages

To get verbose output, specify --verbosity option:

$ ./ generate_pep_pages --verbosity=2

It uses the conversion code in the peps/ file, in an attempt to normalize the formatting for display purposes.


This command simply dumps our PEP related pages as JSON to sys.stdout. You can run like:

$ ./ dump_pep_pages